Наша миссия и стратегические перспективы

Наша миссия и стратегические перспективы

Our Mission

  • Contribute women’s integration  to Information Society in Armenia.


The NGO  goals are:

  • To raise  issues on women   and information society  for wider social spheres through diverse mass  media.

  • To elaborate  standards to  evaluate  women’s integration in information society progress. 

  • To assist women in professional retraining and job finding, particularly in RA regions

  • To encourage girls and young women to pursue career in ICT

  • To join forces to implement Information Society National Strategy with women component approach


Strategic perspectives and projects
Strategic Perspectives are:

  • Ensure equity for   women’s access to ICTs, taking into account ICT access differences, men’s and women’s opportunities  and participation in ICT  and address  barriers that women and girls experience in  knowledge society.

  • Integrate  gender analysis and principles in national digital and e-strategy frameworks and agendas and develop proactive policies and programs across all sectors for women as active and primary agents of change in designing, using and adapting ICT.

  • Develop and collect gender and sex-disaggregated data, and undertake research and impact analysis on gender and ICT, including for evidence based policy making and programming.

  • Girls’ and women’s ICT capacity building for agency, empowerment and citizenship. To empower girls and women throughout their life cycle, as shapers and leaders of society, gender responsive educational programs and appropriate learning environments need to be promoted.

  • Promote women content producers 

  • Create content relevant to women’s needs.

  • Ensure  women's rights taken into account the  internet rights, principles and dialogue.

  • Ensure  parity in women’s representation in high level and decision-making positions in  ICT (public and private) sector and governance structures.

  • Building necessary  skills and environments for women’s involvement, retention and  progress in ICT careers.

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