Our Team

Our Team

Our teams believes in making dreams come true. We never give in whenever we face challenges instead we come up with relevant solutions. We do believe there is a favourable climate to shape and enhance Information Society in Armenia. We are proud we have our bit in Information Society building procsses. We are small  but we do take steady steps to advance. 

We are a team to empower young girls and women to pave their way to IT, obtain technological knowledge that meet the 21st century IT requirements, to become leaders to voice community issues and propose appropriate solutions. 

We are glad we have implemented numerous projects which have proved to be a success and that there are many in-support partners that had big belief in our potential and willpower. 

We are Women and Information Society NGO 

Narine Abazian

Narine Abazian

President Women and Information Society NGO, Technovation Girls, Armenia regional Ambassador.

Ruzanna Stepanyan

Ruzanna Stepanyan

RA National Center for  Education Development and Innovation, Training programs design and assessment department as a specialist. Microsoft certified expert, Agence Universitaire de la francophonie, international trainer. Ruzanna Stepanyan Educational Workshop NGO president.

Ani Manukyan

Ani Manukyan

Program Manager in Women and Information Society NGO, Technovation Girls, Armenia program manager, educator, translator.

You can contact us via the following contact form

You can contact us via the following contact form

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